Archive for November 2014
Types Wearing Mittens….
A gratifying response to last week’s book offer. Some readers chimed in simply to say they already have all my books – go to the top of the class! They should really get a special prize, and perhaps they will when I can think what it should be. Books are now on the way to…
Read More'Tis the Season (Almost)
This can be a depressing season for writers. Those Best Books of the Year lists start appearing in time for people to do their Christmas shopping and one must face the fact that yes, there are some brilliant writers out there talking about interesting subjects. And then there are the rest of us. There are a…
Read MoreShelf Life
What has a moose oven glove to do with novel writing? Not a lot, but bear with me. One gets to a certain point in one’s, ahem, career, when it becomes clear that The Big Breakthrough isn’t going to happen. Fifty years ago it wouldn’t have been the end of the world. Plenty of fine…
Read MoreToo Many Books, Too Lidl Time
A gratifying number of fellow ranters chimed in after my previous post. Many thanks. Not only is it encouraging to know people actually read this stuff, it is also comforting to learn that I’m not alone in being driven nuts by little (but important) things. If you’re still in the mood for things in this vein I commend to you Rod Liddle’s recent…
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