Dr Dan is Back

Another finishing line crossed. Here it is. If you buy it, Kindle or paperback, thank you. If you enjoy it, please leave a review or just a comment on Amazon. It makes a difference. Today’s job is to send the Trevor Buxton exclusive to my mailing list subscribers. Tomorrow, I’d better get cracking on Book…

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On Your Marks

Well hip hooray, nothing but good news today. Dr Dan, Married Man? will be available to order from Amazon by March 1st and I very much hope you enjoy it because I’m already planning Book 3. You may also notice that Dr Dan’s Casebook is wearing new plumage, thanks to a fan/reader/designer who took pity on me…

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Coupla Questions

One answered, and a couple asked. First, since I mentioned my mailing list, several readers have asked me how they join it. Far be it from me, techno bozo par excellence, to say, ‘Er, how about clicking on Sign Up?’  Here is the link. Now, you might ask, why bother? It would be a good…

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