On Your Marks
Well hip hooray, nothing but good news today. Dr Dan, Married Man? will be available to order from Amazon by March 1st and I very much hope you enjoy it because I’m already planning Book 3. You may also notice that Dr Dan’s Casebook is wearing new plumage, thanks to a fan/reader/designer who took pity on me and created the kind of look I’d always wanted and which, with small changes of colour palette and detail, will take Dr Dan through his entire series, however long that may be. I’m starting to think ‘boxed set.’ But I’m getting ahead of myself.
My proposal for a monthly Interview with a Character for my mailing list subscribers has met both with approval and suggestions. Wallis Simpson seems to be a popular choice, can’t think why, oh, wait, what…. can it be you’re seeing parallels with recent shenanigans in the House of Windsor? Yes, it would certainly be interesting to try and channel Wally on Megxit. I’ll see what I can do. In the meanwhile, I’ve managed to secure an interview with Dr Trevor Buxton. Trevor will be answering (or evading) my questions this weekend.