
Mr F and I were highly chuffed to be woken at 7am with news of the dramatic arrival of our newest granddaughter who couldn’t be bothered waiting around for the professionals. She was delivered by our son-in-law. I believe I’m right in saying he was using his spare hand to pour out Rice Krispies for his 2-year old. He certainly used an iPhone app to time the contractions.

Connie is our ninth grandchild but the excitement never diminishes. And though I’m not free to go and meet her in person for another couple of weeks we’ve just opened our acquaintance by skype. She didn’t have a lot to say. Actually she slept through the entire call. But she’s had a hectic day and anyway, I’ve had bigger people than that fall asleep on me.

So welcome Constance and hats off to Ed the Midwife. Time to pop a cork.

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