Vowel Problems

typewriter    There’s an interesting piece on The Writer’s Almanac today, the anniversary of the patenting of the first typewriter. Remember typewriters? My first one was given to me by my mother-in-law and was already so ancient that it required great physical strength to pound the keys and great resourcefulness to find replacement ribbons.

I never learned to touch type. Instead I developed a regrettable but very fast two finger technique. That typewriter was a thing of beauty, as was my old Singer sewing machine. Both gone. I wonder where?

Eventually I upgraded to an Olivetti that was being tossed by my husband’s office. I use the word ‘toss’ loosely. That machine was so heavy we had to reinforce the floors before bringing it into the house. I guess I wrote a couple of books on it. I must have had a substantial Tippex budget. And then suddenly there were personal computers, enormous humming machines that impoverished writers had to buy on easy terms. I don’t remember exactly when that was but I do remember it seemed like a very big deal. And my first email, well…. I knew how Thomas Edison must have felt.

I work on a laptop these days and I fear it is on its last legs. The e key kps failing, and the i and a cn’t b dpndd on. I do have a back-up laptop but I’m fond of ths old workhors. I don’t want to hav hr put down just yt. Just have to bash the keys harder.

No pressure anyway because I’m still unemployed. That and Vowel Failure. A person could lose the will to write.



  1. Elizabeth Dunn on June 27, 2015 at 3:17 pm

    Bowel failure? And I thought this was a family-friendly website. But yes, it would definitely drive away the will to write.

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