Dusting Off the Cobwebs
Here is my (not so terribly) cunning plan for 2017. The accountants are sharpening their knives. I need more readers, dear readers.
So I have decided to put a free e-book out there in the ether, to try and reel in some new fans. But what to use? All my rights are tied up, mouldering – some of them – in darkness and oblivion. Except, aha, and here was my brilliant Bucks Fizz-fuelled Christmas Day idea, except for my very first published novel, The Man for the Job.
I’ve sometimes been asked about it. My response has been an embarrassed mumble. It wasn’t very good. But heavens to Betsy, it was my first attempt. Carmen Callil published it, and she was no walkover. So yesterday I took two giant steps for Laurie-kind. I talked to my webmaster about the technicalities of creating an e-book. Then I blew the cobwebs off my hardback copy, opened it for the first time in twenty years and began transcribing it.
Frankly it needs a wash and brush-up. Vanity prevents me from leaving it exactly as it was first published, but I’m working at speed, tinkering on the run. At £0.00 it will still be a bargain.
I’m aiming to get it out there by early April, priming the pump for The Early Birds which will be published on May 17th. Maybe it won’t make a difference, maybe it will. Worth a try at any rate. The alternative, for us ageing mid-listers, is to shut up and fade away and I’m nowhere near ready for that.
A Happy New Year to all of you.
Looking forward to it Laurie , great idea !