Coming Soon!

And so…. we’re finally there. The paperback of Dr Dan Moves On should be on sale by the end of next week. The Kindle edition is available to pre-order and will be released on October 30th.

If you buy a copy, I thank you very much. If you read it, enjoy it and post a review on Amazon, my cup runneth over. Just one thing: please, no spoilers. Most readers prefer to find out what happens for themselves.

So now what? As usual I’m suffering from empty desk syndrome. My writing routine kept me as sane as was possible during the past few months. I’m missing it already, but I know I need to take a break. All work and no play soon turns a person into a bore. I’m going to defy C***d and travel a little, get out my neglected sketchbook, read some of the books I’ve bought in moments of whimsy and generally catch up on normal life. This week’s tasks are, 1. to make a Tarte Tatin and turn it out of its tin without any of it landing on the floor and, 2. to reverse engineer a pair of silk trousers my Mum bought in India nearly 40 years ago and try to recreate them. There may be rude words uttered.

Then I have some thinking to do. Will there be another Dr Dan book? I hope so, but it very much depends on reactions to Book 3. If the feedback is good, there’s plenty more where that came from. But there are also other possibilities, book proposals which my erstwhile publishers, over the years, didn’t fancy. Maybe I’ll write one of those as well. Nobody to stop me now!



  1. Helzbelz on October 11, 2020 at 11:42 am

    All done- Kindle copy pre-ordered. Can’t wait! More please Laurie.

  2. Helen Evans on October 12, 2020 at 4:36 am

    I have loved all your books Laurie and really looking forward to DR Dan 3 and his adventures.
    Enjoy your break

  3. Emma McCarthy on October 13, 2020 at 11:55 am

    Have been watching out for this. Pre-ordered immediately.

  4. Laura L Sullivan on October 13, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    I’ve ordered the latest Dr. Dan, and Amazon tells me it will be here this Saturday!

    (I’m also trying to order The Night in Question, which is the only one of your books I don’t own, but Amazon (US) seems to be confused, showing your book cover along with Tobias Wolff’s name, so I dare not order. Looks like I have a quest!)

  5. Lynne on October 13, 2020 at 5:17 pm

    I have Dr Dan number 2 on my Christmas wish list but will now also be adding the latest installment! I have read (and own) all your books and have enjoyed them all so whilst I am really looking forward to reading the next 2 Dan books, I look forward to many more of your fabulous stories whatever the subject!

  6. Jilly Watson on October 14, 2020 at 6:59 am

    Hi Laurie,

    I’m pleased to hear that your desk is clear and that you are planning a well earned break.

    What can I say about Dr Dan? First off, congratulations for doing what your parents always taught you and finishing not one, but three of what you started! Now I should continue by confessing that I only read the first book and I’m genuinely sorry to say that I was disappointed; I had waited so long and was so excited and then . . . He just wasn’t for me and didn’t seem to have been created from the same stuff as your other characters. It was as if you hadn’t mined the same seam as for your previous books. I haven’t left a review on Amazon because I tend not to post reviews but more importantly I did not want my ‘negative’ opinion up there for the wider public to see.

    You asked whether your readers wanted more of Dr Dan and mentioned that you had other ideas which had previously been rejected by publishers (well, you don’t need them now) and I’m intrigued. So yes please, I’d love to see what else you’ve got up your sleeve if you feel that Dr Dan has truly moved on.

    And now I suppose I am perhaps, but very probably, skulking off to Amazon nevertheless to buy 2 & 3 because it just wouldn’t feel right not to and because I feel I owe you . . .

    Have a great break, wherever you are allowed to travel to at the moment!

    Very best wishes,


    • Jill on December 18, 2020 at 9:06 am

      Thank you for writing “Dr.Dan Moves On”. I enjoyed it so much – I finished reading it at 2.30.
      this morning – it was time very well spent! Please let there be a fourth book in this series, I really want to know what happens next.

  7. BusyBee on October 18, 2020 at 8:26 pm

    I have all of your books Laurie. I love your writing style for the diversity of your plots and characters. I also love Dr Dan. I have pre ordered the new one for my Kindle and a paperback copy to give as a Christmas gift to a friend. Please keep on writing you are my favourite author.

  8. Belinda on October 19, 2020 at 6:25 am

    I’ve just finished Dr Dan Moves On and loved it. I must admit I was quite prepared to be a little disappointed – after all, how many novels are still page-turners by the third book in a series – but I thought it was just as good as the first two (which I’m going to re-read now). So, I’d welcome another Dr Dan book, but would also just as happily look forward to something different. There’s always a special place in my bookcase for a new Laurie Graham.

  9. Michelle W on October 30, 2020 at 7:27 am

    I have been so excited this week waiting for the next installment of Dr Dan to arrive on my Kindle.And today’s the day.
    Looking forward to catching up with a fabulous cast of characters once more.

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